Sunday, December 20, 2015

Hour of Code was founded in 2013 with the mission to provide access to computer science coding and programming to students of all backgrounds. The Hour of Code was created as a worldwide event to encourage all students across the world to engage in just one hour of code - to help inspire and spread access to computer science programming.

Second Graders at Fuller Meadow have been very excited to be learning the Hour of Code in Computer Class with Mrs. Pazdzirony. The students in 2K were so excited to earn their first certificate for their first coding class. You can learn more about the coding by going to the website . The students are very excited to try coding at home also.

Click the picture below watch a video of our Middleton Students participate in the Hour of Code.

Click the picture below watch a video on "Hour of Code"

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED going on hour of code!I do not go on it anymore because Im to busy.
