Mrs. Kennedy's Second Grade Super Stars completed Project Groundhog last week. At the end of the 6 weeks we determined that Punxsutawny Phil's prediction of an early spring was more accurate than our very own groundhogs at Fuller Meadow. Groundhog Frank predicted 6 more weeks of winter which according to all our data collection was not a true prediction. Although given the current weather forecast it is debatable! Each week we recorded the daily temperature in Celsius and the sky conditions. At the end of each week we calculated the average temperature for the week and compared our weather data to other schools throughout the country. By the end of the 6 weeks the students were getting very accurate at predicting Celsius temperatures. Finding the average temperature each week was a great way to practice adding 5 numbers and dividing the total by 5. We also practice rounding skills when rounding the temperature each day to the nearest whole number. Each week there was a special project to complete and share with our Project Groundhog teammates. There was lots of great project based learning that took place during this project.
Essential Question : Is the groundhog predicting an early spring or extended winter a myth or truth?
Project Groundhog video sharing groundhog research
What a great project! I loved the video!!