Friday, April 15, 2016

Animal Adaptations

This week Mrs. Kennedy's  Second Grade Super Stars continued their learning about Animal Adaptations. Each child chose an animal to research  adaptations of the animal. The research was done digitally on the ipads. The children then used the Explain Everything App to record their learning using technology. Using the ipads each child chose a picture of their animal using google images and then using their research wrote about the adaptations of the animal . This was the first time the students used this app individually to share their learning. The focus was on the creation of the content and not so much on final editing. We hope you enjoy our learning video about Animal Adaptations.

Ipad Research
Mrs. Baker teaching students Explain Everything 


  1. Randi & Izzy (Aidan's mom & sister)April 22, 2016 at 10:13 AM

    This was very interesting. What a fun activity!!

    I liked all the different animals in the video. -Izzy

  2. I loved my animal my friend bianka loved and my dad too
