Sunday, April 10, 2016

DASH Week 2

This week during DASH the second graders experienced what it was like to eat and walk if you are blind. The two activities were the Guided Walk and the Restaurant. The students worked in partners. One partner was blindfolded and pretended to be blind and the other partner was the sighted guide. The guide had to describe how to eat and drink by using the clock method. The guide was also responsible for making sure their partner could walk safely in the all and avoid bumping into obstacles. Then the partners switched roles. The students were able to learn and understand what it would be like to be blind and try to do everyday activities that we take for granted. Thank you to our parent volunteers this week, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Dalton,Mrs. Forde, Mrs. Fullerton,and Mrs. Quimby.



  1. Randi (Aidan's mom)April 11, 2016 at 6:00 PM

    This video is great!

    1. Thank you! I showed it to the kids today.

  2. Dash was super fun I loved the expirience

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed DASH. It is very important to be aware of people with disabilities.
