Saturday, May 21, 2016

Releasing of our Butterflies

Friday was most definitely one of the most exciting days in the second grade. I'm sure your children have been sharing with you about their Painted Lady Butterfly. We celebrated raising our caterpillars to adulthood by releasing these beautiful fragile insects into their natural environment on Friday afternoon. It was a perfect warm sunny day to watch our butterflies flutter into the sky. Excitement has been building over the past couple of weeks as we have observed the stages of the Life Cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly from caterpillar to the chrysalis to butterfly. It was fascinating to watch this week as the butterflies slowly emerged from their chrysalises.  The students have documented each stage of the life cycle by taking  pictures on the ipads. They are also working on creating their own butterfly books using crayon resist illustrations.

Some video clips of our exciting day

Science Standard
2.3. Life Cycles: Recognize that plants and animals have life cycles, and that life cycles vary for different living things

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Electrical Safety Visit

Last week the students at Fuller Meadow School  had their annual visit from Mr. Gouley to learn about electrical safety. One of the special privileges of being a second grader is getting to see the electrical trucks up close and meeting the Middleton electrical workers in person.  One of the highlights is watching one of the electric men go up way up in the sky in the bucket truck. Be sure to ask your child what they learned about Electrical Safety and how it can save lives.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring Tree, Caterpillars and More

Mrs. Kennedy's Second Grade Super Stars hit the ground running this past week with all kinds of fun learning activities. Everyone enjoyed sharing about their April vacation. It was fun to share all the comments and pictures on the padlet.

On Wednesday we took advantage of a beautiful spring afternoon and went outside to observe the changes in our spring tree. Second graders love being scientists with their magnifying glass. We noticed our tree is not bare anymore and tiny green buds are growing on the branches.
Spring Tree Observations
One of the most exciting activities in the second grade happened this week. Our very own caterpillars arrived!  We will be observing our caterpillars and learning about the Life Cycle of the Butterfly for the next few weeks. The students were so excited to start researching about the Painted Lady Butterfly on the ipads. The smiles say it all!

Researching the Painted Lady Life Cycle

On Thursday afternoon we participated in our first Mystery Geography Skype. Each class took turns asking yes and no questions to discover where each class is located.  The students then took turns sharing information about each state/town. The class we skyped with was from Texas where it is 85 degrees! This is such a great way to learn geography skills and about different communities.
Geography Mystery Skype
This week we were very fortunate to conclude our DASH program with a guest speaker. Mr. Andrew LaPointe came to Fuller Meadow to share with the students about what is like to be blind. He brought his guide dog, Shubert and many of his devices that help him with the tasks of daily life. The children asked lots of interesting questions and that helped them to understand that visually impaired/blind people can do almost everything that sighted people can do.
DASH Speaker
On Friday morning we participated in Walk to School Day and started our day with a walk around Brigadoon neighborhood. It was a great way to start the day. While we were walking we noticed lots of different signs of spring.