Saturday, April 15, 2017

April Vacation

Have a great vacation week. Please share what you are doing on the padlet below.  Enjoy the beautiful spring weather.

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Saturday, April 8, 2017


This year Mrs. Kennedy's Second Grade Super Stars were very fortunate to be able to participate in the D.A.S.H. Program. D.A.S.H. stands for Disability Awareness Starts Here. In second grade the focus is on visual impairments. The purpose of this program is to create an awareness and sensitivity among children to the needs of people who are disabled. The emphasis is on ABILITIES and what a disabled person can do rather than what they can't do. Through weekly activities, students experienced what it might be like to be visually impaired and the accommodations and modifications that are made so visually impaired people can do many of the same things that they can do. Developing a sense of empathy for people with disabilities is also emphasized. Some of the activities were a grab bag activity, eating at a restaurant, a help walk, cane walk, using aids and devices, and using a brailler machine. The D.A.S.H. Program concludes with a visit from a Mr. LaPoint and his guide dog.  Thank you to all of the volunteers who made this valuable program possible for the second graders.

This video shows some of the activities that the second graders participated in during this program.

Read Across America

Fuller Meadow teachers and students had lots of fun celebrating Read Across America this year. We participated in lots of fun activities to promote the love of reading. This annual nation wide event always takes place around Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2nd.
Read Across America kick off assembly with some very special visitors.

We decorated our door by sharing our favorite books.
One of our favorite activities was reading our favorite books in our comfy clothes in our comfy reading spots.
We had a Google Hang Out  and read aloud a Dr. Seuss book to some reading buddies in Iowa and they read Green Eggs and Ham to us. 
Mrs. Twiss, Middleton's Town Clerk was our community guest reader. She read William the Curious Night of the Water Lilies to our class.
Our guest author Maryann Cocca-Leffler shared some of her books with us. She taught us about the writing process.
Silly Sock Day

Animal Adaptations

Mrs. Kennedy's Second Grade Super Stars have been doing a lot of research and learning about animal adaptations. They learned the difference between structural and behavioral adaptations. Animals all have different adaptations to help them survive depending on the different habitats of the animal. We had a wonderful in school field trip from the Museum of Science where we got to observe and learn about several live animals. A big thank you to our PTO for funding this field trip for us. Our class also participated in some virtual field trips to learn about some animal adaptations in far away places. Each student researched an animal and then designed a google slide as part of class presentation about Animal Adaptations. 
We observed and learned about a box turtle, bearded dragon, and a porcupine.
Virtual Field Trips to Yellowstone National Park, Komodo Islands, and Mexico. These field trips didn't cost a cent!